All the team at the Sustainable Fibre Alliance (SFA) were shocked and saddened by the video footage and article from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) singling out the SFA’s certification programme in Mongolia.

The footage includes evidence of some practices that are in clear violation of our standard requirements, with some of this footage allegedly filmed at SFA Certified producer sites, although we are currently unable to substantiate these claims. Once we identify the herders involved, and if they are linked to an SFA Certified producer organisation, we will engage an independent third party to conduct a formal investigation following our whistleblowing protocol. The findings of this investigation will inform the appropriate action, which may include removing certification from producers that do not meet our standard.

We have reached out directly to PETA asking them to share information about the locations and producers identified in their footage. We received a response on 20th July 2023, but no evidence was provided to confirm SFA Certified producer sites. We have reached out once again asking for more information and specific details to substantiate their claims that are damaging the reputation of the industry, the SFA and our members. In the meantime, our team are working hard to learn as much as possible with the limited information we have available. It is important to note that some of the footage has been taken within slaughterhouses, which falls outside of the SFA’s scope, however the relevant authorities in Mongolia have been notified.

The SFA remain steadfast in our mission to use our Standard as a tool for positive change and, together with our members and partners, help realise our vision of a cashmere industry that minimises environmental impact, safeguards herder livelihoods and meets high welfare standards. We will continue to work with all herders to improve animal welfare conditions wherever possible, and we will continuously strive to improve our standards and assurance process. We are convinced that the SFA Cashmere Standard provides us with one of the most effective mechanisms for incentivising the large-scale adoption of welfare-friendly practices across Mongolia and China.

We are always grateful for any information that helps us identify and change bad behaviours within the cashmere industry. If you are aware of any instances, please contact us at sfa@sustainablefibre.org.

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