
“The land is the soul of the nation”

ancient mongolian quote

How are we protecting rangelands

The SFA’s Rangeland Stewardship Code of Practice ensures that rangelands are managed in a way that minimises the risk of pasture degradation and protects wildlife. This is done by promoting collective action and a return to traditional land management practices by herding communities. The code of practice is based on each herding community coming up with a rangeland management plan to improve pasture condition and conserve native wildlife. The plan must state clear boundaries for communal grazing and identify areas for reserve pasture.

The herding plan states the clear boundaries for herding

Herders assess their grazing area.

Herders identify rotational grazing movements to avoid overgrazing.

Herders identify areas for wildlife protection and habitat restoration.

“I feed salt to the wild mountain sheep and mountain goats because we don’t have any of it in our area. I also feed them grass during the harsh winters.”

SFA Young Herder of the Year 2019, Ganzorig O.